Quitting when I'm really down.

Sep 21, 2004
And I ****ing hate to do this. In the past few months I've lost about 4 grand. I would put in about 100-300 a week into my account and then lose it by the weekend. I would repeat this almost every week for the past few months. Sometimes I would win but eventually I would lose it all and begin.

Example, this monday I'm down to 100 and I bring it up to 1300 Wed afternoon. Fast forward to Wed night I'm down to 200 and now I'm out.

A few times I've been able to turn 100-200 into 1200 or so, but I always lose it all.

I hate quitting when I'm down so much but I think that's the thing to do. Of accounts at 4 books I've closed two. I should really close my neteller, so I can't do anything.

Now that I'm done complaing someone want to give me some advice?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Looks like you have money management issues here. Although your ability to pick winners might not be as good as you think it is.
My suggestion would be to regroup and not bet on anything till football.
A couple of things here.
Looks like on average you can save 200 bucks per week. Football season is about 5 months away, so you can save up around 4 grand.
Now you have a bankroll, but you gotta use it wisely, so you have set up a plan that you WILL follow.
What I would suggest is that you have two types of bets- regular and one top play
Regular bets would be worth 100 bucks per bet, top plays 200
Even if all the starters on boths sides are out with the flu or something, and you believe you are the only one who knows this!
Now you also gotta limit your exposure per day.
My suggestion would be never to have more than 5 plays per day. 4 regular plays and maybe one top. (Dont fool yourself, at this point in your betting career, you cannot find more than one great play per card) That is the most you can possibly have, although limiting yourself to three bets might be better.
Also I would suggest putting in all your bets before the first game kicks off and after that your computer are off limits till the next morning. This way you cant chase.
A couple more things, if watching the game causes you to be hyper all day, then tape them. Hey this way you can spend some time with the family, and watch the games at night- takes up less time.
Also what would be very good is to track all your plays, and information relevan to them. Like when you make the play, reasons for them etc- it will not make you a winner but will highlight a few of you weaknesses- money saved is money earned
So to sum up
Be selective, dont overbet and never chase
If you follow these than at worst you will have an inexpensive hobby on your hand

New member
Sep 21, 2004
best i can do is to tell you to take panthers picks and bet the other side

you will cash a lot more tickets than you lose

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Is that how you make up for all of your LOSING GOLF PLAYS !!!



41-16 !!

Take it toooo the bank

What a loser you are !!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
hey quit, i think we can all relate to your situation. thankfully those days are behind me but i always feel the urge to go for the score but i always refrain.

it is great you can contribute to your account on a weekly basis. i put 500 per month in neteller and when i see a good opportunity for opening a new sportsbook, im locked and loaded.

the thing that saved my sports gambling fortunes was a few years back when i realized that picking winners was only about 10% of the battle (debatable) and that is why this site and others like it arent very valuable to me

with the bonuses offered and reduced juice, there isnt any reason people lose money right now except because of themselves and their bad habits.

save up some cash like your doing and come back with a stronger plan for football and plz become more conservative.

i have approximately 20k in my sportbooks right now yet my bets are between 100 and 140 bucks. i really like using .5,.6 and .7 % of bankroll as my unit stucture.

lastly figure out why you are betting in the first place. my guess is you are looking for the adrenaline rush that is lacking in your personal life.

i didnt say that to be mean, but we all are prone to addictive behavior and some of us even want to lose as a form of punishment. so really do an honest assessment of yourself and take some action right away to change that behavior that is causing the problem.

good luck with everything

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